Ocean Surgeonfish

This is one color scheme for an Ocean Surgeonfish

Scientific name:
Acanthurus bahianus

Professional image:

My images:

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
I am pretty certain that this is an Ocean Surgeonfish and not a Doctorfish.

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
I am pretty certain that this is an Ocean Surgeonfish and not a Doctorfish.


Scientific name:
Acanthurus chirurgus

Professional image:

My images:

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
This fish was swimming fast so the image is blurry. I am pretty sure it is Doctorfish due to its "v" on the base of the tail. Unfortunately, I cannot see any body bars so I may have wrong fish and it may be an Ocean Surgeonfish. http://seanoshaughnessey.com/2020/01/31/ocean-surgeonfish/

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
This fish was swimming fast so the image is blurry. I am pretty sure it is Doctorfish due to its "v" on the base of the tail. Unfortunately, I cannot see any body bars so I may have wrong fish and it may be an Ocean Surgeonfish http://seanoshaughnessey.com/2020/01/31/ocean-surgeonfish/

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
The bars on the side of this fish are very obvious. Even though some of the other fish on this post may be Ocean Surgeonfish, there is no question that this is a Doctorfish.

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
I am pretty certain that this is a Doctorfish but it could be an Ocean Surgeonfish. http://seanoshaughnessey.com/2020/01/31/ocean-surgeonfish/

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
These may be Ocean Surgeonfish. http://seanoshaughnessey.com/2020/01/31/ocean-surgeonfish/ Unfortunately, I cannot see the small yellow fish well enough to be able to figure out what they are.

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
The bands on the sides are quite visible indicating a Doctorfish.

Blue Tang

This is a common fish in the Caribbean. I have seen it many times while SCUBA diving and snorkeling.

Scientific name:
Acanthurus coeruleus

Professional image:

My images:

On approximately March 4, 2014 at:
Snorkel at Four Seasons beach in Nevis on Snorkel on March 3-March 9, 2014
I took the following image:

On approximately March 4, 2014 at:
Snorkel at Four Seasons beach in Nevis on Snorkel on March 3-March 9, 2014
I took the following image:

On approximately July 3, 2017 at:
July 3&6, 2017 Cozumel area
I took the following image:
I am pretty certain that this is a Blue Tang. There is a chance that it is an Ocean Surgeonfish.